My Father In Me

This is a song I wrote some time ago. It was a special time of creativity. I was still studying with Ed Flower, an international classical guitarist, who became a dear friend and mentor, pushed me in a new direction of writing.  Writing my own songs in a singer songwriter style was something new and fun.
Around this time, the year 2000 I believe, something devastating happened in my life. My father, who was a musician himself had a stroke.
The events that followed were heart wrenching. Hospitals, surgery, the unknowing, all took it's toll on me. Then came rehab and therapies and it became clear, he would never be the same. He would never play his musical instruments or sing again.
So, I sat down with a classical guitar and thought about my dad, life, who we are, what we are, what does it all mean and I wrote. I wrote a lot of songs as a form of therapy. They weren't meant to be heard but needed writing. I needed some healing.
I was fortunate to have my dad around long enough for him to hear a demo of this song. Years later, it was played again at his funeral. I miss my Dad and his music. Fathers Day is a little sad but possibly my favorite day of the year. I share the day with my son and the memories of his grandpa, and it's wonderful. That is why I picked this song and Fathers Day weekend to finally release something. I hope that it is enjoyed and shared with the spirit it was written. With love for our fathers, ourselves, our children, Happy Fathers Day!

The demo was first recorded by my long time friend Paul Mallory who is an amazing guitarist and talent.

This professionally recorded version was recorded and coproduced by Ron Zabrocki. His skill and understanding of music and songs is unsurpassed. A great person, I have a lot of love for him. Ron is a guitarists, guitarist. Check him out at

One of the instruments my Dad played, his first I believe was the violin. I don't think any one of us kids can hear a violin and not get teary eyed. So, it was only fitting that one be on the recording. A very special, heartfelt thanks to violinist Rachel Gall for her time and talent.

Thank you Ed, Paul, Ron, Rachel for helping me along the way........

Peace and love to all,
Donald Polk

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